Entrants & Stalls



One Village Show form for each exhibitor.

Send completed forms to Anne Penrice at 19 Riversvale Drive, Upper Poppleton, York, YO26 6JY or email to anne.penrice@hotmail.co.uk

The deadline is 12.00 noon on 15th August to allow time for the preparation of entry cards and the layout of show benches.

Dog Show Entries

Please send your dog show entry form to Anne Penrice at 19 Riversvale Drive, Upper Poppleton, York, YO26  6DL.

There is a £2 fee for each class entered to be paid to Anne Penrice upon submission of your entry form, before the deadline at 12.00pm on 15th August.

For advice about Dog Show entries contact Nicky Peters by email nickylambert@btinternet.com

Stall Requests

Stallholders must provide all equipment they require including tables and gazebos.

These plots are free to charities and £10 for commercial stalls.

Please contact Margaret Kitchen by email on aandm.kitchen@gmail.com to book a plot.

Car Show Entries

Are you a motoring enthusiast? Do you want to exhibit your vehicle at the Village Show in the car park next to the Lord Collingwood between 12.30 and 5.00pm?

Any vehicle, be it vintage, veteran, classic or otherwise interesting including motorcycles will be welcome.

Interested owners please contact either:-

Keith Nicholson on 01904 796555 or by email thenicholites@aol,com

or Stuart Robson 01904 794929 or by email stuartrobson367@btinternet.com

to arrange a parking slot.

Show Entry Rules

- Fill in the entry form. £2 for each dog show entry only. There are no entry fees for the rest of the show.

- Submit the entry form to Anne Penrice, 19 Riversvale Drive, no later than 12 noon on Thursday, 15th August, including dog show entry fees.

- Dog show entry forms only may also be submitted to Nicky Peters at Dene Holm, The Green, Upper Poppleton no later than 18.00 on 16th August.

- Bring your exhibits to the halls on Friday 16th 7.00-8.00pm or Saturday 17th between 9.00-10.30am.

- First Timer, Vegetables & Fruit Entries to All Saints Hall.

- Flowers, Floral Art, Handicrafts & Baking to the New Methodist Hall.  

- Dogs to be at the show arena 15 minutes before their class show time.

- At the hall there will be a ticket for each entry which you place next to your entry, face down so your name is hidden.

- Only judges and show committee members are allowed in the halls during judging.

- The Judges decision is final.

- By entering, competitors accept these rules.

- If you have any questions please ask a committee member who will be happy to help you .

- First Timer entries are only for those who have NEVER exhibited in a show before.

- The show is only open to amateurs.